Client TESTIMONIES image
  • Working with you and talking about this helped release my emotions and helped me understand them better, they don't affect me as much anymore. I'm not as emotional as I used to be and I handle my emotions much better. - YH
  • Through therapy I feel like I've unlocked the answer for me, this really hits home for me - SvE
  • I don't even remember the vast amount of daily intrusive thoughts I used to have when I originally started therapy with you, they are gone - TC
  • There's no doubt that this is helping me - BS
  • I feel like you changed my life this year. I was very guarded. You've been teaching me to be braver to talk. I've learned a lot about myself. Even my colleagues notice a difference in me. My journey has changed my life. I honestly feel happy again. This is my happy place. - AE
  • “Since I came to see you I have been able to implement the techniques you taught me. I’m a lot calmer within myself and I feel better. This is happening to me more and more each day.”  -CE
  • "I used to have a multitude of intrusive thoughts, non stop, especially in specific situations. Now I rarely have these intrusive thoughts and when they pop up I am able to manage them a lot better.” -TC 
  • “Before I came to see you I was crawling on the ground, now I’m flying.” -NE 
  • “Speaking to you has given me a lot of perspective and clarity. I needed a sanity check and felt very validated.” -RA 
  • "I can't tell you how grateful I am since our last session. I have been able to come to terms with things from my past. It was weighing on my subconscious more than I know. I feel so relieved". FA
  • "I've been feeling so free lately, especially regarding my anxiety with other people. Previously emotional reactions left me feeling totally overwhelmed, now I'm able to cope and figure things out." -NE
  • "I've been learning a lot about myself since I came to see you. It's eye opening for me". -RA
  • "I feel so much better. Now I have skills to deal with things, and I take things one step at a time". -FA
  • "After our session it felt like the load was off. Other people are seeing the change in me. I’m more secure of myself and confident and less dependent on people’s validation. I can see my own value. For the first time my thoughts aren’t so bad and I don’t leave social situations feeling bad". -UW
  • “After speaking to you I’m now in a better space, you helped me put the pieces together” -SV
  • "I am a different person since I've been seeing Lisa. I can self-soothe and talk about things instead of having a big melt-down. -FA
  • Now I am able to understand myself a lot more, I understand what I feel. I cope better in difficult circumstances. My outlook on life changed so much -DL